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About Dr Eldon Barrowes

Dr Eldon Barrowes lived, for 17 years, near Zelph Mound.   The mound is located on Illinois State property.  He served as a guide to the mound for tourists and busloads of visitors who were doing Book of Mormon evidence tours.   An interstate bridge was being built near Zelph Mound and archaeologists from the University of Illinois excavated mounds near the proposed bridge and, also excavated test trenches in Zelph Mound.   Dr Barrowes and members of his committee were the first to photograph artifacts from Zelph Mound.  Noticing there were misconceptions from some about the revelation Joseph Smith, the Prophet, received about Zelph Mound in 1834, Dr. Barrowes wrote a book to clear things up.   His book documents the Zelph Mound visit by the men of Zion's Camp in 1834, and documents when the mound was relocated in 1974 by James Bradley, an institute instructor for Utah State University.  The artifacts from the mound verity the statements made by Joseph Smith in 1834.  A unique artifact from the mound shows Jesus Christ visited the ancient nation of Nephites who built Zelph Mound.  If you purchase the book, you can read it and learn the fascinating history of Zelph Mound for yourself.

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